About Us

Get To Know More About SUFA Group

SUFA is a leading up and rising local provider of networking products and services for building business information networks.

As information, speed, quality and productivity have become major competitive weapons in business these products have become essential tools of business strategy.

Customers around Malaysia – regardless of location, industry or level of technology – are seeking ways to improve their performance.

SUFA serves its customers by providing technical assistance and solutions using a variety of networking system products from leading manufacturers and shipped those products accurately and promptly.

Our Strategy

Empowering Operation Technology and Information Communications Technology Worlds


“To bring smart ICT infrastructure, connected devices to enable people and businesses to realize their full potential.”


To bring the next generation of smart computing capabilities that bring positive impacts on productivity, environmental compliance and profitability


Helping companies improve business processes, cost efficiencies, drive revenue growth and maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace


We innovate and push for boundless creativity to deliver results for our company and customers.